Discover Canada’s Governmental Boundaries with Canada Maps
This map shows the governmental boundaries of countries, provinces, territories, and provincial and territorial capitals in Canada.
This map shows the governmental boundaries of countries, provinces, territories, and provincial and territorial capitals in Canada.
The Mountain Standard Time zone is used in parts of Canada and is one hour ahead of PST and two hours behind EST. The culture, natural beauty, and diverse cities and towns make it an exciting place to visit. This guide provides tips for visitors on adjusting to the time difference and where to go to get the most out of their trip.
Pacific Standard Time (PST) is a time zone used in the western part of North America, including the western provinces of Canada and some U.S. states. It is eight hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-8) and three hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST). PST is used to standardize time within a given region and is regulated by the federal government in Canada. Travelers and tourists need to understand PST, as it can affect flight schedules, hotel check-in times, and other aspects of travel planning.
The relief map of Northwest Territories on our website is an essential tool for understanding the region’s topography. It includes hypsometric tints that indicate elevation, spot elevations, major lakes, and other features. The map legend provides information on elevation ranges.
Are you looking for an undiscovered paradise? Then look no further than the stunning and wild Nahanni National Park. This vast park is located in Canada’s Northwest Territory, with crystal clear rivers, jagged peaks, and abundant wildlife. Nahanni National Park is a natural wonder that offers something unique to everyone who visits. From fishing to … Read more
Aulavik National Park is a hidden gem located in the far north of Canada, on the banks of the Thomsen River valley on Banks Island. With an Inuvialuktun name that translates to “where people travel,” the park was set aside in 1992 and covered a vast 12,200 km2 / 4710.44 mi2. The name was suggested … Read more