
Home » Nunavut

Where is Nunavut?

Nunavut, located in the northernmost part of Canada, has a rich history and background that is deeply intertwined with its unique geographic location. The region was traditionally inhabited by Indigenous peoples, including the Inuit, who have called this land home for thousands of years.

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Discover Canada’s Cities and Towns with Canada Maps

Map of Canada with cities

This map shows Canada’s provinces, territories, cities, towns, and roads.

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Discover Canada’s Landscapes and Transportation Networks with Canada Maps

This map shows Canada's provinces, territories, provincial and territorial capitals, cities, towns, highways, roads, trans-Canada highways, railways, and rivers.

This map shows Canada’s provinces, territories, provincial and territorial capitals, cities, towns, highways, roads, trans-Canada highways, railways, and rivers.

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Discover Canada’s Governmental Boundaries with Canada Maps

This map shows the governmental boundaries of countries, provinces, territories, and provincial and territorial capitals in Canada.

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Nunavut Relief Map – Explore Canada with ease using our printable maps!

Nunavut Relief Map

The relief map of Nunavut is a powerful tool that can be used for many different purposes, from natural resource management to scientific research and emergency management. Its use of hypsometric tints and spot elevations makes it an essential tool for understanding the complex and diverse landscape of this vast and unique Canadian territory.