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Where is Saskatchewan?

Saskatchewan, located in the heart of Canada, boasts a diverse geography and climate that sets it apart from other provinces. With its vast prairies, rolling hills, and shimmering lakes, Saskatchewan offers stunning landscapes that captivate nature lovers.

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Where is Quebec?

Nestled in the heart of Canada, Quebec is a province that boasts stunning landscapes and a rich cultural heritage. Its geography and location make it truly unique.

Quebec is situated in eastern Canada, bordered by Ontario to the west, Newfoundland and Labrador to the northeast, New Brunswick to the southeast, and the United States to the south. It spans over an area of approximately 1.6 million square kilometers, making it one of Canada’s largest provinces.

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Where is Prince Edward Island?

Prince Edward Island, located in Canada’s eastern province of Atlantic Canada, is not only known for its picturesque landscapes but also for its rich history and vibrant culture. The island has a fascinating past that dates back thousands of years.

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Where are the Northwest Territories?

The Northwest Territories, covering an area of approximately 1,346,106 square kilometers, is located in northern Canada. It shares borders with Nunavut to the east and Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia to the south. To the west lies Yukon, while the Arctic Ocean lies to the north.

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Where is Newfoundland and Labrador?

Nestled on the easternmost edge of North America, Newfoundland and Labrador is a province that boasts stunning natural beauty. This rugged land is made up of two main regions: the island of Newfoundland and the mainland portion known as Labrador.

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Where is British Columbia?

British Columbia is a province located on the westernmost part of Canada. It is nestled between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Rocky Mountains to the east. With its stunning landscapes, British Columbia is known for its diverse geographical features.

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Where is Alberta?

Alberta location map

Located in the western part of Canada, Alberta is a province known for its stunning landscapes and natural beauty. Situated between the provinces of British Columbia and Saskatchewan, Alberta covers an area of over 660,000 square kilometers.

The geography of Alberta is incredibly diverse, with a mix of towering mountains, vast prairies, and pristine lakes. The iconic Canadian Rockies dominate the western part of the province, offering breathtaking views and opportunities for outdoor adventures like hiking and skiing.

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Where is the Yukon?

Nestled in the northern reaches of Canada, the Yukon is a vast and captivating territory that boasts an awe-inspiring landscape. Spread across approximately 482,443 square kilometers, it is larger than many countries! Located in Northwest Canada, the Yukon shares its borders with Alaska to the west, British Columbia to the south, and the Beaufort Sea to the north.

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Where is Nova Scotia?

Nova Scotia, located on the eastern coast of Canada, is not only known for its stunning landscapes and natural beauty but also for its rich history and vibrant culture. The province has a fascinating past that dates back centuries, shaped by Indigenous peoples, European settlers, and African Nova Scotians.

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Where is Ontario?

Located in eastern Canada, Ontario is the second-largest province by area and the most populous in the country. It borders four of the five Great Lakes – Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario – making it a destination known for its stunning waterfronts and picturesque landscapes.